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Tuesday, July 04, 2006

We're Coming for the Children

Text from rant on Wide Awakes Radio:
Let me begin by offering my thanks and appreciation to all the American soldiers through all the generations whose heroism, honor, and sacrifice have allowed me and every other American to live in the freest most affluent country ever to grace the face of the Earth.
Greater men than Dave and I have paid the ultimate price in order that I may sit here and rant at this microphone.
So in their honor, I will do that now.
When the idea of Wide Awakes Radio first came about, I have to say I was not just slightly excited. But as the start up neared and the reality set in, a thought began to haunt my conscious mind.
‘Why do I do this? Why do I fight this conservative fight?’ I am sure this is not a thought particular to my mind alone. I would imagine that most who have endured the scars of the battle have had this thought cross their minds now and then.
So what is the answer? Why do we fight?
I think I know why.
It is to protect Conservative ideas and values from extinction.
You see, Liberal ideas, opinions, and policies are everywhere. They permeate our culture, our news, our media, our education system. One could no more hide from Liberal propaganda than one could evade the passing of time.
Is this up for argument?
Try these...
Gay marriage. Abortion on demand. America is the real terrorist. Capitalism is evil, as are the rich. Taxes are good. Men are obsolete patriarchal beasts. Ah, but men and women are exactly the same. Religion is superstition and Christians are more morally repugnant that Islamic zealots. The appeasement of evil. Rationalization of evil. Denial of evil. Yet Bush is evil. Competition is bad for humans. Girls should be as sexual as boys. Shame has no place in a modern society. Need I go on?
It is much harder to find Conservative ideas. To find them, one must actually have to go in search of them or simply fall into to them by mere chance.
This is why I fight. To keep Conservative ideas alive. To get them out into the void. To be a voice for the individual. For the America that was.
Liberals often attempt protect their ideas by shielding them in pseudo-moralism. ‘It’s to protect the environment.’, ‘It is not fair that some have so much while others, so little’, and of course ‘It’s for the children’.
Now there’s one Dave and I love...’It’s for the children.’ Higher taxes...for the children. Lawsuits against KFC...for the children. Fanatic ranting on Global Warming, demanding that government step in, take our SUV’s, and make each of live in mud huts and eat tofu...for the children.
Well, let me tell you right here and now, we at Total Kaos will have none of it! Children have grown into adulthood just fine for the last couple hundred thousand years and I am pretty sure that even without the help of Leftist zealots they will do so for a couple hundred thousand more.
All the while, the news media will chant disaster. The academics will crow unfairness. Hollywood will preach America bad and religion corrupt. And mindless socialist wackos will prophesy the end of the world brought on by capitalist greed and abundance.
But we will be here. Staid and solid. Stoic and selfless. A bit askew and simply off the wall. Aiming our Conservative spin and ironic take on Liberal inanity at the very heart of the Leftist hope for the future. You see, we are going after the demographic they so moralistically profess to protect. The young. Those with yet malleable minds. The young, whose thought processes we at Total Kaos can bend, shape, and reroute into the next generation of Conservative zealots.
So consider this a shot across the bow. Consider this fair warning. Your Liberal monopoly is over. We’re Total Kaos. And we’re coming for the children.


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